A property is being developed that is designed to showcase whole system solutions for any individual, family, town, village, region or nation who wants to live and thrive. Breakthrough technologies new to the world will help transform human imagination about energy, construction, transportation, waste, batteries, healthcare, wellbeing, sustainability, local self-sufficiency, governance and a system of food production aligned with the intelligence of nature. Any region struggling to cope can live and thrive by adopting this model. Training and education will be integral components of the Showcase design.
An Arizona showcase has been designed to demonstrate how to organize a successful self-sufficient community.

Our new living showcase will be built high on a hill where humanity can see with their own eyes how people can collaborate and respect without blame and finger pointing. The Arizona showcase will demonstrate off the grid energy that is basically free, food that is nutritious, recycled building materials that are green, and holistic health and wellbeing practices that support people to navigate into a post pandemic thriving era. New living homes are affordable, practical, durable.
The showcase will be a first stage of a new living town that can support thousands of new living self-sufficient intentional communities wanting to set up as well. Our long-term vision is to inspire a new living nation that shall not perish from the Earth.
This New Living development is not a retreat from a world in crisis. It is a practical solution for neighborhoods, towns, industries and nations that want to experience an affordable, sustainable alternative to an unsustainable civilization in free-fall.
A New Way of Living on Earth
Showcasing a portfolio of New Living technologies from a stunning desert Arizona landscape, our New Living development is designed to inspire impoverished regions as well as conventional modern homes, unsustainable farms, eco villages, polluting industries and carbon emitting nations that seek a sustainable new way of living. Minimizing each home's ecological footprint from the first stage of construction through its lifetime of operations, any New Living community can showcase a comprehensive solution to the long historic disconnect between people and nature.
A New Living Community is the decision to cut the Gordian Knot on an unsustainable world. Disconnecting from the urban congestion and unsustainable building momentum, a new living community demonstrates its compelling benefits to the urban dweller and city planner alike. Our New Living showcase presents the considerable benefits of whole-system solutions.
Ending the Disconnect Between People andNature

Evolutionary Building employs an energy accounting know-how in tune with the natural world. The land provides the expression for the physical energy potential. Soil humus and long-lived trees are key energy storage for any development. Evolutionary Building has no need to ship raw materials across an ocean to a local building site. It uses technology that recycles the area's industrial and home waste to build more affordable and elegant dwellings. It takes dirt from the ground, stones from the river and glass and plastic deposited in the local land fill to make safe building materials; 100% green and far less expensive than concrete or wood.
In a new living culture, home designs are in tune with the changing volatile climate. Technologies are integrated into whole system solutions. New living communities will provide clean drinking water from the atmosphere and sustainable transportation that does not depend on gasoline. Off-the-grid energy generation includes solar power, portable wind generators, magnetic motors, hydroelectric micro plants, hydrogen on demand, low-cost hot water from the sun, Earth air conditioning, and "free" electricity from the ambient environment. The new living model is a giant first step forward towards replacing an unsustainable civilization.
Our farming involves conversion from plow tillage to organic no-till farming with crop residue mulch and integrated nutrient management. Organic no-till farming could sequester 1 to 4 tons of organic matter per acre per year with Biochar, perennial polycultures, rotating grazing animals, trees and tripling wild plants. New Living techniques that increase soil organic matter will be provided at the Showcase and are easily usable when chemical agriculture can no longer ignore its unsustainable global consequences.
Permaculture's principles include (1) care for the Earth; (2) care for people; (3) setting limits to consumption and reproduction and (4) redistribution of surplus. Permaculture stands in sharp contrast to a modern chemical agriculture system that is depleting the soil and people's wellbeing. Permaculture requires a person to gain an ecological perspective. It cares for all living soil as the source of life.
Our current system of farming doesn't teach agriculture students a deep reverence for soil or clearly explain the reasons that soil is losing its capacity to support life by our current system of farming. Permaculture trains a person to acquire a mature mindset that can examine the imperative of unrestrained consumption of resources. Permaculture sets limits to consumption and reproduction. Permaculture also encourages abundance to be shared with people outside a person's circle of responsibility. Permaculture understands the importance of mutualistic relationships in nature and high levels of biodiversity for sustainable abundant life. The new living vision can draw upon the thousands of wise Permaculture teachers around the world.
Living and Thriving on the Earth
Presenting breakthrough technologies in an affordable new way of living, anyone can visit the showcase (in person or by internet) when they want to see how to live and thrive with a new way of living on Earth. Any family, community, region or nation can thrive in a time of global warming and economic collapse by embracing this new living model.
Demonstrating a fully self-sufficient environment aligned with nature, our mission is to create a new human future that can be available to all.